Tamil Cinema Director Pandiraj who has got huge applause victory with Tamil movie Pasanga 2 got busy himself for his next Tamil movie Kathakali in which Tamil actor Vishal is doing the main actor ( male ) - hero and Tamil actress Catherine Terasa is doing the main female role ( heroin ). When Tamil cinema director Pandiraj was asked about the movie Kathakali, he said as follows;
Question asked to Tamil cinema director Pandiraj:
What is the core story of Tamil movie Kathakali and reason for the title of the movie as Kathakali?
Tamil cinema director answered that, for the first time he has taken an action thriller in hand to direct. The reason for the title is, in Tamilnadu we used to say that - he has played Kathakali game ? Thats the reason for the title. The story line of Tamil movie Kathakali is, the hero remains himself as he and his work. The fate plays game in his life and chases him. After running significant distance, the hero stops running and looks behind and starts attacking as a tiger. So, the whole movie is the anger, aggression of the hero - Vishal.
Question to Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
How was your experience of directing a mass Tamil movie for the first time?
Answer from Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj
Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj said that he has taken one of the real incidents happened in the life of his friend and so it was quite easy for him to make the screenplay. Also Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj added that the story of Tamil cinema Kathikali can be useful for one of the Tamil cinema actors who is coming up in his career. But it was a surprise that one of the top level actors like Tamil actor Vishal has agreed to act in this script of Tamil cinema Kathakali.
The audience of the movie KAthakali will see a common man in this cinema as the hero not a man who fights with 40 guys and dancing with 20 dancing artists / flying sumo or something like that. IF a question asked if Kathakali is Pandiraj's cinema? or Vishal's cinema, we should say it as a cinema of both of us ( Pandiraj and Vishal )
Question to Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
Are you going to direct only mass hero subject Tamil cinemas only?
Answer from Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj said that his intention is to keep on make children or fine family subject movies. Also he added that he will make Tamil cinemas with new faces too and he will not move behind the mass hero subject movies and its successes. Also Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj gave Tamil cinema director come actor Mani Vannan that he was making movies in different base of story lines that he touched the family subjects and the thriller subjects too to make cinemas. Pandiraj ends by revealing his desire of making movies like how Tamil cinema director Mani Vannan was doing.
Question to Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
What is the lesson you have learnt from the fine response for the Tamil movie Pasanga 2?
Answer from Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj said that he saw the audience's applause at the end of the cinema Pasanga 2, for the title card of A Pandiraj film. By seeing that tears have come from the eyes of Tamil cinema director Pandiraj without his knowledge. Also Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj added that none of his cinemas released for a period of 3 years and when people are saying that the cinema Pasanga 2 is nice, he gets some responsibility. Also Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj said that some are asking when we can expect the release of Tamil cinema Pasanga 3? Pandiraj said he has idea of doing Pasanga 3 also in a fine time. Pandiraj explained that people normally donot like if a cinema comes with messages for society. Even though a lot of messages have been added in the Tamil cinema Pasanga 2, they have liked the movie and given the output. So Pandiraj revealed that he has decided to give nice messages in his upcoming Tamil cinemas.
Question to Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
What is the status of Tamil cinema Idhu Namma Aalu?
Answer from Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
The release date of Tamil cinema Idhu Namma Aalu will be in this year. Pandiraj added that he expects the movie Idhu Namma Aalu to get released for the Valentines day of 2016. Also he added that the music merging works have been going on for Tamil cinema Idhu Namma Aalu and he hopes the movie can get in the year of 2016. All are in the hands of producers not in my hand - says the National award winning Pasanga director.
Author - Divya Cash - Rs 30
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Still from Tamil cinema Kathakali |
Question asked to Tamil cinema director Pandiraj:
What is the core story of Tamil movie Kathakali and reason for the title of the movie as Kathakali?
Tamil cinema director answered that, for the first time he has taken an action thriller in hand to direct. The reason for the title is, in Tamilnadu we used to say that - he has played Kathakali game ? Thats the reason for the title. The story line of Tamil movie Kathakali is, the hero remains himself as he and his work. The fate plays game in his life and chases him. After running significant distance, the hero stops running and looks behind and starts attacking as a tiger. So, the whole movie is the anger, aggression of the hero - Vishal.
Question to Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
How was your experience of directing a mass Tamil movie for the first time?
Answer from Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj
Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj said that he has taken one of the real incidents happened in the life of his friend and so it was quite easy for him to make the screenplay. Also Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj added that the story of Tamil cinema Kathikali can be useful for one of the Tamil cinema actors who is coming up in his career. But it was a surprise that one of the top level actors like Tamil actor Vishal has agreed to act in this script of Tamil cinema Kathakali.
The audience of the movie KAthakali will see a common man in this cinema as the hero not a man who fights with 40 guys and dancing with 20 dancing artists / flying sumo or something like that. IF a question asked if Kathakali is Pandiraj's cinema? or Vishal's cinema, we should say it as a cinema of both of us ( Pandiraj and Vishal )
Question to Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
Are you going to direct only mass hero subject Tamil cinemas only?
Answer from Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj said that his intention is to keep on make children or fine family subject movies. Also he added that he will make Tamil cinemas with new faces too and he will not move behind the mass hero subject movies and its successes. Also Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj gave Tamil cinema director come actor Mani Vannan that he was making movies in different base of story lines that he touched the family subjects and the thriller subjects too to make cinemas. Pandiraj ends by revealing his desire of making movies like how Tamil cinema director Mani Vannan was doing.
Question to Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
What is the lesson you have learnt from the fine response for the Tamil movie Pasanga 2?
Answer from Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj said that he saw the audience's applause at the end of the cinema Pasanga 2, for the title card of A Pandiraj film. By seeing that tears have come from the eyes of Tamil cinema director Pandiraj without his knowledge. Also Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj added that none of his cinemas released for a period of 3 years and when people are saying that the cinema Pasanga 2 is nice, he gets some responsibility. Also Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj said that some are asking when we can expect the release of Tamil cinema Pasanga 3? Pandiraj said he has idea of doing Pasanga 3 also in a fine time. Pandiraj explained that people normally donot like if a cinema comes with messages for society. Even though a lot of messages have been added in the Tamil cinema Pasanga 2, they have liked the movie and given the output. So Pandiraj revealed that he has decided to give nice messages in his upcoming Tamil cinemas.
Question to Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
What is the status of Tamil cinema Idhu Namma Aalu?
Answer from Tamil cinema Kathakali director Pandiraj:
The release date of Tamil cinema Idhu Namma Aalu will be in this year. Pandiraj added that he expects the movie Idhu Namma Aalu to get released for the Valentines day of 2016. Also he added that the music merging works have been going on for Tamil cinema Idhu Namma Aalu and he hopes the movie can get in the year of 2016. All are in the hands of producers not in my hand - says the National award winning Pasanga director.
Author - Divya Cash - Rs 30
Are you a fan of Tamil cinema? Having some writing skills?
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